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Steve Roach | Vir Unis - Blood Machine

Steve Roach | Vir Unis - Blood Machine

Released 2001

[ reviews ]      [ out of print! ]

"Symbiotic blood machines dream of electric bodies while immersed in a light fantastic..."

Track Listing:

  1. dissolving the code - 7:20
  2. evolution - 11:38
  3. impulse - 10:07
  4. neurotropic - 6:23
  5. mindheart infusion - 12:20
  6. sense - 7:57
  7. neural connection - 12:07
  8. in the marrow - 5:15

Partial liner notes:

All pieces by Steve Roach and Vir Unis
Arranged, recorded and submixed
at the Bubble and the Timeroom 2000-2001

Final mixes by Steve Roach at the Timeroom
January-February 2001
Percussion on Neural Connection and
Mindheart Infusion by Jeffery Fayman
Mastered by Roger King and Steve Roach

Cover Images by Vir Unis
CD Image by Steve Roach
Cover Layout by Sam Rosenthal

All music 2001 Soundquest Music BMI &
In The Bubble Music BMI


The evolution of Elegant Futurism... This is the next highly-anticipated chapter in the BODY ELECTRIC / LIGHT FANTASTIC story, except this time it's a new book altogether. This project has gone through several phases in its development over the past two years. Numerous pieces were created and set aside as the artists made new discoveries and continued pushing the envelope further than ever before. Steve Roach and Vir Unis pulled out all the stops to create a music experience that flows with the natural precision of the body's life-blood, by way of a constant enfoldment of hyperstate fractal grooves and luminous soundworlds that are unique to their collaborative spirit.