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Vir Unis - Aeonian Glow

Vir Unis - Aeonian Glow

Released 2000

[ reviews ]      [ out of print! ]

Track Listing:

  1. Glide
  2. The Ghost of Aeons
  3. Indigo Light
  4. Particle Path
  5. A Night of Passage
  6. Flying Dream
  7. Alien Machinery
  8. Letting Go of This Radiant Hive

Partial liner notes:

Produced by Vir Unis

Vir Unis . Synthesizers, Samples, Treatments, Mix

Recorded In The Bubble Spring-Summer 2000

Mixing, Final Assembly & Spatial Enhancement at The Timeroom with Steve Roach

Mastering . Roger King / RKM Productions

Artwork . Vir Unis

Design . bOne

Copyright . In The Bubble Music, BMI


Aeonian Glow explores similar territory as The Drift Inside, but goes deeper and into the more shadow realms of atmospheric music, highlighting the differences in light and dark. The music was created in seclusion in the Bubble studio, which, at the time, existed in New York City.

Vir Unis - Aeonian Glow