dw034 - Ryu - The Castration
Kol Zol (c) 2007
Castration is altenative field from field of capitalism(gravity field).
I think not commuinism but Castrationism
Good example-David Lynch's eraserhead, soseki natume's yumejyuya, AliceInChains, sensya yosida,etc is far from capitalism or commuinism or reasonism.
After Break of restraint economy (postmodern),World -Schizo become All-Out. I think Ryu called it "Castration "
Zizek-faker (c) 2007
1.System of Sound or "Timbre"
Once Neo-dada-soundist regarded enviromental as process or pan-tonality. Now we must add some element as theory of System because difference between subject and object Nothing to theory of System. Subject(human) can participate in system.
But (social) system have topology difference between communication and individual such Niklas luhmann sugest. Same as (social) system,Subject which chould be replaced word ear or act would be included in system of "Timbre".
The system of "Timbre" should have hesitation between tone of one or another. Modal world music already point out "Timbre" equal hesitation between tone of one or another. Then system of"psycho-mental" must contribute difference with differencial culcilated to Sound which was both intended or not .
This participation means contribution to Sound without individuality artistic-element,history,emotional-spirit. This is true,so to speak, Noise! Hesitation between each Sound which will include hullucination may represent pan-tonality. http://bunretusyo.blog94.fc2.com/
2.Ryu describe this album for us
Our ancestor originated in brytia or yakhutia, koryaktia,nenetia,etc,&far east continental Eurasia many milion years ago. I think my roots are not in this small island, traditinal Yapone!! Now i am "Man in the box" here. I have investegated called "Siberiana" with song title. But "Siberiana" has root with grimace for us.
Disquiet (c) 2007
The six track EP The Castration by Ryu does include a track, the title cut, so to speak, in which the title word is repeated against what seems like lightly mediated field recordings of some ancient, indigenous ritual. But that recitation, even with its vaguely William S. Burroughs-style blank intonation, is far from the most haunting thing here. "Schizo Voltaile Traqlzr" has the sort of sound design that usually accompanies a tracking shot through a deserted space station, all hovering whir. "Walk Along the Cloud Mazeran" moves that dread to a rain forest, the soundscape of an environment as dense as it is dank. But there is some succor in "Feldmans on the Koryakhut", which takes the freeform vowels of a female voice and torques them just enough to leave their origin clear but to work the sample's frayed edges into the surrounding music. More info at the website of the releasing netlabel, darkwinter.com, and of the Tokyo-Chiba-based Ryu, hosted at rak2.jp.
EARlabs - Larry Johnson (c) 2007
The title track of “The Castration” contains the troubling voice sample “please castrate me” and with this disturbing image we receive Ryu’s second virtual Dark Winter album following his previous and equally disquietingly titled release “The Depressed”.
While Dark Winter specializes in dense, beatless, sometimes noisy, dark ambient drones and occasional shadowy, electronic rhythms, there’s evidence of a more thought-provoking and noticeably more minimal direction in Ryu's newest contribution to the Dark Winter discography having the rather unsettling title of “The Castration”. Listening to “Feldmans on the Koryakhut”, “Walk Along the Cloud Mazeran, or “Mujyun (Contradiction)” will immediately reveal that there’s something exceptionally different here.
The initial two tracks "Schizo Voltaile Traqlzr" and "Marxisto et Incestr" illustrate well the more traditional experimental sounds that I’ve come to love - cold, shimmering electronics, noisy (but not too harsh) cacophony, and abstract rhythms. Included in the former are schizoid-like vocal rambling augmented by some equally psychotic sweeps of electric noise and, in the latter, fragmented percussion, twisted laughter, watery noise, and inharmonious piano samples.
With the arrival of “Feldmans on the Koryakhut”, a gloomy, minimal edginess emerges. Reversed sounds, haunting female voice samples, and a lingering background of grayish electronic pitter-patter all come together to allow an overriding melancholic ambiance to stretch out its aural fingers and pull the listener in. The title track begins with a murky layer of electronic noises that quickly blends in with a variety of discordant acoustic samples eventually becoming a thick amalgam of distorted sounds. Rising above this noisy and blurred soundscape is some post-modern blather containing the plea, “Mr Capitalism, please castrate me.” The final request for castration is followed by the dim simplicity of “Walk Along the Cloud Mazeran” containing a looped droning chord surrounded by shards of woody and metallic percussion and eerie electronics.
Along with “Feldmans on the Koryakhut”, “Mujyun (Contradiction)” is tagged as one of two “suggested listening” tracks and rightly so. A private battle is being waged here as the warm sounds of processed samples of Spanish guitar compete with some cold digital minimalism and hoarsely whispered vocal samples creating an inescapably tense atmosphere of melancholy.
Makryham (c) 2007
The castration of the social machine with no historical human truth, the human individual experiences fundamentally only schizo or paranoia. Japponska life for Ryu means like siberiann life from the Soviet Union era. Kunst is nothing to him like Duchamp. Theoretically he lives in the Fourth World (Dimension). Although we know the author's death,we act with kunst. The body and the mind have actually caused a topology contradiction. The body in practice is still restricted by Mr. Capitalism. How to deal with sounds by Ryu seems like Harry Partch, Luc Ferrari, or John Cage though with noise. His system of "Timbre" has hesitation between tone of one or another. The observer calls expectaion value which each one has "Sound". Yojyou-kyouraku , Object "α" which we can't reach total tonal. Of couse, Ryu seems common with other usyukuro artists such as Overdose Kunst, Kol Sonzlgn, and not Otomo Yoshide. Makryham has done reseach as a partner with Ryu.
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